What is the Resistance Training – Benefi ts and Examples

person Posted By: PN Sojitra list In: Health & Fitness On: comment Comment: 0 favorite Hit: 762

Resistance training is defined as any type of exercise that’s aiding your muscles to contract against an external force of resistance. Typically, this happens with resistance tools like bands, dumbbells, suspension equipment, weight machines, or even your own body weight.

As a personal trainer or fitness professional, you probably also know that there’s no single exercise out there that's perfect for everybody. There is one type of exercise that comes pretty damn close to being a universally recognized fantastic fit for everyone, no matter their age, body type, level, or goal. That type of exercise is known as resistance training.

You’ve probably heard of resistance training before. In fact, it’s probable that you, or your clients, are already taking part in resistance training. But if you weren’t aware of how exceptionally universal resistance training is or how many insane benefits you and your clients can reap by participating in it, then you’re in for a treat!


Resistance training is defined as any type of exercise that’s aiding your muscles to contract against an external force of resistance. Typically, this happens with resistance tools like bands, dumbbells, suspension equipment, weight machines, or even your own body weight.

Resistance training is an incredibly vast type of exercise—it can range from things like Olympic lifting to pushups to weighted bands to medicine balls. It’s broad, but with the right tools, it can make for a heck of a workout.

This type of training can help to increase muscle tone, strength, mass, and endurance. The idea behind resistance training is that your body will work hard to overcome a resisting, external force when needed. That resistance stimulates muscle contraction, and when trained consistently and repeatedly, can help increase the size, tone, and endurance of your muscle groups.


Resistance training is adaptable, flexible, can easily be adjusted, and when done correctly can offer serious benefits to your clients. An additional benefit is that it’s easier than ever to include this type of exercise in your clients’ workout plans—whether you operate out of a gym, a garage, an outdoor park, a studio, or something else given their portability!


Because resistance training has so many different types of exercises underneath its encompassing umbrella, it’s truly a beneficial choice for every type of client you might want to work with.

If you have a client who’s primarily focusing on cutting weight and toning up, introducing them to reliable resistance equipment can help them to focus on aerobic exercises with quick, light reps in order to engage their cardiovascular system while working muscles.

If you have a client whose primary focus is to bulk up and put on mass, resistance training through free weights, resistance bands, and weight machines can be largely beneficial.

Resistance training is hugely beneficial for all types of clients, with all types of goals, on all types of fitness journeys—it’s one of the only types of exercise out there that can largely be tailored to anyone and everyone.


Resistance training is hugely beneficial for clients in any range. Unlike more intense exercises, resistance training can be perfectly adjusted to fit the needs of whichever age range you’re working with. From the young-and-buff 20-something that you’re helping to prepare for competition to the more delicate 80-year-old client who just wants to stay in tip-top shape, resistance training can work wonders for both of them.

There’s no specific client type, as we mentioned above, which also means there’s no specific age. Because of the flexibility, adaptability, and broad range of resistance training exercises out there, this is a section of exercise that anyone, no matter what age, can take part in.


The best part about resistance training? You don’t need a gym membership, a ton of equipment, or even a personal trainer (sorry, guys, but it’s true) to do it regularly. This should be a huge selling point for your clients for several reasons.

Resistance training absolutely can and should happen at a gym, but it’s by no means required. If your clients invest in some of their own resistance training equipment and work with you, their trainer, to come up with a comprehensive program, they’re more than likely going to be able to exercise anywhere—not just at a gym.


Here are a few products that you can use for resistance training.

1. Resistance Tube

2. Resistance Band

3. Resistance Miniband


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