Latex vs Fabric Resistance Bands, Which is better?

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Since you are reading this, you’ve probably seen men and women working out with short resistance bands that wrap around the legs, some using rubber latex versions and others that have a fabric material, and now you are wondering about “latex vs fabric resistance bands?” This is a great question to ask before buying your first set of mini bands, aka glute bands, hip circle bands, or booty bands. By the way, if you didn’t know, those are some of the names people have given those short resistance bands.

As experts in the resistance band game, we are here to give you all the answers you need. We are going to be matching up and comparing latex vs fabric booty bands to see which type of mini, glute, and lower body-focused resistance band is better.


Since we are comparing latex vs fabric resistance bands, we will only be looking at the variety of resistance bands that wrap around your legs. These kinds of bands are known as booty bands, hip circle bands, mini bands, and glute bands. They are resistance bands made for the legs.

Why are we only talking about these short resistance bands? Well, when it comes to fabric bands, they only come in the booty band variety, whereas latex bands come in other styles and sizes, such as 41” loop resistance bands, resistance tubes with handles, therapy strip bands, and so on. Because of this, when comparing fabric to latex, it only makes sense to discuss the mini booty band type of resistance bands.

Moreover, it should be noted, that as we are only discussing fabric vs latex booty bands, the information below only applies to this short style of the band. When it comes to the longer resistance bands, which people use for upper body exercises, lower body exercises (in a different way), explosive exercises, pull-up assistance, strength training, stretching, joint mobilization, rehab, and so on, latex is the best option, and not just because its the only option, but it just makes sense for the band to be strictly rubber for those kinds of uses as you want them to be able to stretch as much as possible.


The comparison of latex vs fabric booty bands will be based on the following points:

- Building muscle and strength

- Comfort

- Durability

- Versatility

- Popularity

- Design

- Cleaning

- Price

But, before we get into that in-depth, let’s go over the main benefits of these short mini resistance bands, as well as some quick differences and the pros & cons of fabric and latex booty bands individually.


- They don’t roll up

- They won’t pinch the skin, pull hair, or irritate the skin

- They are non-slip

- They are more fitted and feel much more snug

- They are incredibly durable, so they won’t rip or tear

- They provide more resistance which most find to be more effective for lower body movements (i.e. if you want to build a booty, these are the ones)


- A wider range of resistance levels (depending on the seller).

- They may be better for beginners who lack lower body strength.

- They are more versatile for things like upper body exercises as they can stretch more.

- They are easier to clean.

- They are not likely to stretch out over time. 


- They roll up during exercises.

- They pinch skin or pull hair if placed directly on the skin.

- Overall, they are much less comfortable.

- They can cause allergic reactions in those who are allergic to latex.

- They have a latex smell (that usually goes away or lessens with time).

- They can break or tear if used on abrasive surfaces or stretched too far.


Choosing between latex versus fabric resistance bands, the latex resistance band is a firm favorite of Jay Wall, a PT specializing in HIIT at LIFE The Fitness Company. “It’s able to be used in almost the same way a standard weight can be used because we are able to mirror the movement whilst using the resistance band with the added bonus of it being in a more joint-friendly position,” he explains. Katie Anderson, head of training at FLY LDN agrees: “Latex bands are great for exercises with a bigger range of movement. For example, lower body exercises like donkey kicks, lateral leg lifts, and more ballet-inspired movements, like first and second pliés, and upper body exercises including bicep curls, rows, and chest openers.”

However, latex resistance bands aren’t without their downsides. First, you’ll need to wear leggings. “They can be uncomfortable as latex can cling to the skin,” notes Wiener. What’s more, latex isn’t a long-lasting material. Anderson explains: “Over time, the resistance on the bands can decrease, and they may also snap after lots of usages.”

Fabric bands also have their pros and cons, depending on your goal. “They are much stronger than latex bands, adding a great amount of resistance when performing leg exercises—such as squats, hip thrust, and lunges,” reveals Wiener. “They are also a lot more comfortable and have a built-in grip which ensures they do not go anywhere when you are working out.”

Anderson adds that as well as being “really good for helping maintain and stabilize certain positions, they usually last longer,” making the fact they tend to be more expensive a bit more worthwhile.

“However, fabric bands are not as versatile, as they can’t be used for upper and lower body workouts because of the lack of stretch in the fabric,” points out Wiener. Anderson agrees: “The different resistances aren’t always accurate. With some of the ‘heavy’ bands, you can hardly pulse against them as you have little range of movement. Some of the “light” bands can be too big and fall off the leg.”

So when choosing between latex versus fabric resistance bands, definitely take into account what kind of workouts you’ll be doing, as one type may be better suited than the other.


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